
Armagetron advanced engine
Armagetron advanced engine

Golden: Pot of Gold: Craft the golden potion to sell at shops making a decent amount of money.Enables the /combine and /split commands. Sticky: Potion of Stickiness: Allows the combination of wands of the same type for stacking purposes, or the splitting of a wand into two smaller pieces.Gunky: Potion of Mistake: A crafting failure.Pink: Potion of Disable: Causes the disable status.Losing exp while confused may add exp instead. Spells only cast correctly 1/3 the time and cost double mana. Blue: Potion of Confusion: Causes the confusion status.Black: Black Potion of Illness: Causes the ill status which has a random chance to kill.Use on players with only half rubber remaining. Yellow: Potion of Acid: Damages rubber.

armagetron advanced engine

Killing with it gives you bonus exp and mana.

  • Purple: Potion of Poison: Causes the poison status which slowly lowers rubber.
  • Hit someone with this who already has teleporitis and gain 7 exp.
  • Cyan: Potion of Teleporitis: Causes the teleporitis status which teleports you uncontrollably.
  • Orange: Potion of Dunce: Exp loss equal to (lvl/11)-2.
  • armagetron advanced engine

    Releveling again will replenish mana halfway, which can be a good use for bubblies. Bubbly: Potion of Draining: Lowers player level by 1 and puts exp 1 away from leveling up.Each spell has a 7% chance to remove the Magical status. Milky: Potion of Magic: Casting spells cost no mana and allows spell spam.Tan: Potion of Experience: Gives 50 exp.Gives levels for players up to level 125, otherwise is useless. The number of levels given is 13-(lvl/10). Murky: Potion of Handicap: Gives levels relative to lvl.The disable spell bounces off and back to sender. Swirly: Potion of Magic Resistance: Causes the resistance status: You are uneffected by spells.Leveling up with brown potions do not refill * half your mana as would leveling up though exp would. One of the most saught out items in the game. Brown: Potion of Gain Level: Instantly levels up by 1.Only way to be cured of spell disable, virus, and other things.


    Fizzing: Potion of Full Heal: Restores all rubber and status effects.For players under level 50, this is better than a Red Potion, which refills your mana halfway Green: Potion of Gain Mana: Gives 500 mana.For players under level 50, green potions are more effective which restore a flat 500. Red: Potion of Super Mana: Restores half maximum mana.You just never know what you're going to get. ?: Potion of Randomization: This potion could be any of the below.Magical: Casting spells requires no mana.Teleportis: You teleport randomly at random times to random places.Poisoned: Your rubber used starts going up slowly, usally.Ill: You have a chance of randomly dieing every 15 seconds.

    armagetron advanced engine

  • Resistant: You are immune to certain spells, almost all except for disable, lightning, nuke, and ball.
  • Confused: You cant see stats correctly, your own or others, and have only 1/5 chance of casting spells correctly.

  • Armagetron advanced engine