
Rogue legacy compass
Rogue legacy compass

rogue legacy compass

They seem impossible to remove permanently.

rogue legacy compass

  • Alien Kudzu: The Black Roots seem to spring from everywhere.
  • In particular, Enoch just wanted to free everyone from their pointless and eternal task but has since been turned Brainwashed and Crazy.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: Many of the Estuaries that you fight turn out to be very sympathetic characters.
  • They can still Spinkick, but they also can't deal any damage, making it nigh-impossible to kill enemies directly.
  • Actual Pacifist: The rare Pacifist trait prevents the hero from attacking, indicated by the hero holding a sign with the "peace" symbol on it in place of a weapon in the heir selection menu.
  • Traversing it safely requires killing the Sun Tower's boss, after which the nameless knight gives you a lantern that lets you see. While you can go down there as soon as you find the area, your visibility will be almost nothing which will likely get you killed by enemies you can't see and traps you aren't aware. Void Dash is also required to fight one of the minibosses needed to access the Study's main boss.
  • The Sun Tower requires the Void Dash to get past its first room with the only way up being blocked by a void wall.
  • The Lilies of the Valley required to get to the boss of Kerguelen Plateau and the intended note it's possible to get up there with the notes from the lute and good air dashing way to get into the Stygian Study both require double jump.
  • #Rogue legacy compass upgrade

    The area between the Citadel gates and the rest of Axis Mundi is blocked off by a gap that requires the Echo Kick upgrade to pass, which is conveniently hidden at around the same area.Citadel Agartha's boss door has a timed puzzled requiring the air dash to complete.Ability Required to Proceed: All of the areas and most of their bosses require an heirloom ability from the previous area to proceed.Due to the convoluted nature of time in this game, she has either given birth long ago or has been pregnant for centuries. Aborted Arc: Z/Maria is revealed to be pregnant, but nothing seems to come of it.

    Rogue legacy compass